Sunrise, Sunset

Mountain sunset at Elk Creek Ranch summer camp in Sunlight Valley, Wyoming

Mr. Sunrise

Several weeks ago, the CBS Sunday Morning show featured a photographer, affectionately known as Mr. Sunrise,  who had taken daily photos over a number of years of sunrises over Lake Superior. The photos captured the many "moods" of the Lake and its shorelines featuring many beautiful shots.

It prompted us to look back at some of the sunrise and sunset photos we have collected in Sunlight Valley. The first was taken last month when we were greeted by a dramatic sunrise.

Dramatic sunset cloud photography in Sunlight Valley, Wyoming at Elk Creek Ranch summer camp

A Winter Event

Several years ago we were graced by much the same astonishing light display. It  was again a winter event, which we believe provides the perfect combination of  dramatic cloud formations and temperatures to capture and amplify the morning light.

Sunset clouds with color from the 1988 Yellowstone Fire

Smoke & Fire

On rare occasions, fortunately, the amazing colors and cloud formations come from less welcome forces. These two photos were taken over the span of 15 or 20 minutes as a sunset developed high in the Northern Absaroka Mountains with the 1988 Yellowstone forest fires burning out of control 50 miles to the west.

Sunset clouds with color from the 1988 Yellowstone Fire

Summer Rain

Sometimes a quick summer storm moving down the Valley combines with a sunset to provide another, more peaceful light show.


Stormy Weather


Glissading on Gardner Headwall!